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Peter Harrington


First editions of landmark works, fine bindings, inscribed copies, manuscripts, original artwork.


Collection of 11 works in 43 volumes.

Geographie opus novissima traductione e Greco cum archetypis castigatissime pressum.

A Voiage of Discovery: Set Forth Ano 1669.

Le Petit Prince, corrected carbon typescript.

On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection.

Praeclara de nova maris oceani Hyspania narratio.

A Christmas Carol.

Mundus Novus.

Elementa geometriae.

Liber cronicarum cum figuris et ymaginibus.

Suma de geographia que trata de todas las partidas & provincias del mundo.

An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations.


Peter Harrington is London’s leading specialist dealer in rare printed books, with bookshop and gallery premises in Dover Street, Mayfair, and Fulham Road, Chelsea. The company sells books, manuscripts, and related artworks, antiquarian maps and prints, and modern and contemporary works on paper. Peter Harrington regularly exhibits in London, New York, Paris, California, Seattle, Abu Dhabi, and Hong Kong.