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Milord Antiques


20th-century design, antique furniture, and artworks.

Alternate Text 1870 Notre-Dame Street West
Montréal , Quebec H3J 1M6


Acid-Etched, Patinated Bronze, Pewter, "Chan Li" Cabinet by Philip & Kelvin Laverne


Acid-etched, patinated bronze, pewter, "Chan Li" Cabinet by Philip & Kelvin Laverne USA: circa 1978
incised Philip and Kelvin LaVerne 1978
Literature: Philip and Kelvin LaVerne: Sculpture III, studio catalogue, Philip LaVerne Galleries Ltd., New York, n.d., pp. 3, 50 T. Merrill and J. V. Iovine, eds., Modern Americana: Studio Furniture from High Craft to High Glam, New York, 2008, pp. 158-159 (for a related example)


paul evans

Welded And Patinated Steel Wall Plaque by Paul Evans Welded and p

Maxime Old

Important Oak Bar Cabinet by Maxime Old

Carlo Bugatti

Rare Copper and Parchment Side Chair by Carlo Bugatti.

Carlo Bugatti

Rare Throne Chair in pewter copper and parchment by Carlo Bugatti

Red Lacquered Laque Nuagé Sideboard by Jules et Jean Leleu

MAx Ingrand

Rare Cut and Torn Glass Mirror by Max Ingrand for Fontana Arte


Rare Acid Etched Patinated Brass and Pewter "Eternal Forest Coffee Table" by Philip & Kelvin Laverne

line vautrin

Rare Mirror ''Gribiche'' Glass and Talosel Resin by Line Vautrin

Marble and Brass Wagneriana Torchere by Lella and Massimo Vignelli for Casigliani

Oil on Canvas of Bathsheba by Émile Aubry

Gilt bronze and alabaster Fixture by Albert Cheuret

Pierre-Auguste Gaucher for Sevres Art Deco Porcelain Hunting Scene Vase

Gilt and Patinated Bronze Sculpture , "Charmion" by Allan Clark (1896-1950)


Founded 30 years ago, Milord Antiques offers a fine eclectic selection of furniture and works of art featuring 20th century designs , classical antiques as well as unique collector items .