Eguiguren Arte de Hispanoamérica
Enrique Nicolas
Our Lady of Guadalupe
85 × 67 cm / 33.5 × 26.4 inches
Nicolás Enríquez was formalised in 1725 and officiated by the “bachiller”, and officiated by the learned painter Nicolás Rodríguez Juárez. The close personal connection between Juárez and Enríquez
suggests Juárez as Enríquez’s master. This influence is evident in Enríquez’s work, which mirrors the style of a Guadalupe painting attributed to Juárez.
The composition follows the tradition of Our Lady of Guadalupe as an acheiropoieton, an image created by divine, not human, hand. The MET also displays a more elaborate Guadalupe attributed to Nicolás Enríquez de Vargas.
suggests Juárez as Enríquez’s master. This influence is evident in Enríquez’s work, which mirrors the style of a Guadalupe painting attributed to Juárez.
The composition follows the tradition of Our Lady of Guadalupe as an acheiropoieton, an image created by divine, not human, hand. The MET also displays a more elaborate Guadalupe attributed to Nicolás Enríquez de Vargas.